Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Love Mir

I'm not sure if this post made me laugh because it's so funning or because if I didn't laugh I'd cry. Princess is already exhibiting several of these tendencies and I'm truly, truly frightened...

The Top 10 Rules for Mom to Interact With a 10-Year-Old

1) I am old enough to do everything myself.
1a) Unless I decide that I am not, in which case you will IMMEDIATELY do my bidding EXACTLY as ordered. Failure to comply will result in huffing and eye-rolling.
1b) The audacity to suggest that I’m capable of doing it on my own will resist in indignant shrieking and accusations that you don’t love me.

2) I am young enough that you should still do everything for me.
2a) Unless I want to do it myself, in which case, GOD, YOU TREAT ME LIKE A BABY!
2b) The audacity to suggest that I’m capable of doing it on my own will resist in indignant shrieking and accusations that you don’t love me.

3) My younger sibling is a boil on my tender behind and you should dispose of him immediately.
3a) Any action I take against him is completely necessary and justified. Sanctions against these actions are clear evidence that you love him more than me.
3b) Reasoned arguments as to why I should treat him with kindness are further evidence of your stupidity.
3c) Failure to recognize my superiority over him by ANY and ALL family members will be treated as declarations of war...

Head on over and read the rest of the rules... if you dare!


Maggie said...

That's Slugger. Through and through.

Dana said...

I fear children of that age