Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The excitement builds

I’m starting to feel extremely impatient to be done with this paperwork. It all seemed to fly by in the beginning but now it’s really dragging along. We are one document short of having everything we need to submit our dossier. One! The coveted I-171H is all that stands between me and an interminable wait for referral.

Oh sure, I still need to go through the 1000+ pictures we have and pick out the handful which will show how well rounded, fun, adventurous, and loving we are. Not an easy task when 999 of those photos are of your kids, and there isn’t one recent shot of the whole family together where everyone is looking at the camera, smiling, and is in focus. I also still need to drag my reluctant hubby down to the local photo shop to get the passport photos we need to include. He’s abhorrence of having his picture taken is one of the main reasons for the family photo fiasco.

Also, when the I-171H does finally show up, I will still need to get it and one other document state authenticated. I’m hopeful that it won’t take more than a day or two for that because I can drop it off on my way to take Princess to school; the office is just down the street. Maybe they will even do it while I wait…and you all know that I’d wait! I’m still editing my letter to the Orphanage too; something I’m sure to be doing up until I actually have to drop the dossier off at Fed-Ex. I just can’t seem to get the words right. "Please, please, please, please give us a baby" just doesn’t have that “ring” to it I’m looking for.

For now though, I’m going to content myself with pacing back and forth, eagerly waiting for the mailman finally get here! How dare they close the post office for a holiday! Don't they know I'm waiting to be waiting!!


Elle said...

Ahh the days of stalking the postal carrier. I remember those. Hopefully your wait isn't too much longer.

Melissa said...

the wait takes forever, but once you get the referral, it all seems a thing of the past.

Maggie said...

You're getting close. Bit by bit...