Thursday, October 19, 2006


The home study packet is FINALLY done! It is now making its long round about trip; from here it goes 600 miles to our home study agency. They will do whatever magic they need to do to it and then send it 600 miles back to Our Town and our assigned social worker, Heidi. Hopefully we will hear something about what the next step in the process will be soon.

I have almost all of the dossier paperwork done that can be done. We haven't tackled the letters we need to include yet and I haven't assembled any photos. I'm also waiting to do the few documents that have to be Authenticated so I can do them all at the same time. So, for the time being, we just need to finish the “Eye’s Wide Open” online adoption education course, scrub the house, and fret. It feels good to finally have our part of things done but I’m beginning to think that waiting on others to get things done is not going to be easy…


Jenny and Matt said...

The waiting is tough. This whole process is a BIG lesson in patience for all of us.
Congrats on getting YOUR part done!

Yeah So said...

Some people love that the control part is over (like me) but others hate it. Either way, the waiting sucks!!

Maggie said...


Melissa said...

Congrats, that is such good news

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That is a huge load off your shoulders!

Sig said...