Thursday, August 16, 2007

Count down - 2 days left

Does that count down timer really say 2 day and 18 hours until we leave? Yikes! Actually, I'm feeling really calm today. We have made a bunch of progress on the lists over the last few days and every time I can check something off my anxiety level goes down a bit. It's very cathartic to me to have my list and to check thing off of them. Yes, my husband thinks I’m nuts but he’s not really a list person…which is why it’s a good thing he married one!

I’ve “met” a few people online who will be traveling at the same time we are to get their kids. A few of them will be on the same plane we are going or coming and two families with our agency will be there at the same time we are. It’ great to talk to others who are going thorough the same emotions we are right now and makes me feel a whole lot less like a freak for being so wound up about this trip.

It starting to sink in with the girls that we will be leaving soon and they have both been having issues this week. Princess has become super clingy; I can’t move half the time because she’s hanging off me. Cookie keeps having emotional outbursts. Yesterday she was sobbing uncontrollably because I said we couldn’t go to her (pretend) baby sister’s birthday party. Yes, her imaginary mom has sprouted a whole family that includes two dads and a baby sister… not quite sure what that’s all about.

I understand their need to be close to me right now and I know that this is a huge transition for them as well as Zman and me. My mom is, thankfully, very close with the girls and I know they will be in good hands while we are away but the next few days are going to be rough. I need to be running around finalizing details and all the girls want is for me to sit and cuddle them. So, that’s what I’m going to do. They are my first priority and I need those cuddles too.

We leave in 2 days, 17 hours and 40 minutes…. ready or NOT.