Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Solstice

Our Town
Dec 21, 2006
Sun rise - 08:45 AM
Sunset - 3:07 PM
Day length - 6h 22m 23s

So it’s now officially winter. I was wondering when it would get here. It feels like it’s been winter for months. I’m not one who usually complains about the weather, but I need a vacation to some place warmer and dryer….Ethiopia anyone? Ok, so that’s months away and we have to save all our pennies to make that trip, so vacations to warmer locations are on hold for a while.

Meanwhile it has actually been slushing. For the last two weeks we have had an extremely wet snow that is slush the second it hits anything. Wet, cold, and miserable; this is my least favorite kind of precipitation. Whine, moan, b*tch, etc.
With Cookies birthday party this weekend and Christmas just a few days away, things around here are a bit hetic. I can't wait for all the preparations to be over so I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the holidays!
What are your plans for Christmas?


Maggie said...

It's 3:51 here and the sun is just on it's way down.

Cookie has a holiday birthday? My nephew was born on the day after Christmas and my sister worked so hard to keep his b-day special and seperate from the holiday. Until he was a bit older and asked for a Rudolph shaped cake. Then she realized he didn't mind that it was so close to Xmas!

Tonight is my dad's b-day party. Just my sisters and nieces and nephews will be there -- it should be fun. Xmas is at my parent's house and is always wonderful.

I hope you have a great holiday. Give Cookie and extra hug on her birthday for me, ok?

p.s. Thanks for your kind words yesterday. :-)

Jenny and Matt said...

Have a merry Christmas!!

ferenge mama said...

i am so so glad to be past the shortest day. i HATE all this darkness in winter - bums me out.

i think i must be a solar-powered person.

Merry Christmas to you!