Monday, July 17, 2006

Birthday party woes

Z-Man was out of town all last week for training. This was unfortunate because he wasn’t here for Princess’s actual birthday. We planned to have her party on Saturday so he could join us. We met his plane Friday evening after a horrible meal of pepperoni pizza. (Princess got to choose what to eat for dinner for her birthday. Did she choose one of my fabulous home cooked organic meals? Of course not, greasy pizza for all!) Z-Man arrived with a dozen pink carnations for the birthday girl and I have decided that it’s even better to watch your girl get flowers than it is to get them yourself. She was thrilled and kept hiding her face in the blossoms.

Unfortunately, Cookie wasn’t feeling very well and came down with a high fever that night. Since it was so late, as soon as we got home from the airport we started getting the girls to bed. Cookie was listless and cried that her tummy hurt. I sat her on the bed in our room and asked if she thought she was going to throw up. She said she wasn’t and exactly 5 seconds later…..

To make a long story short, poor Princess didn’t get her party this weekend. She was a good sport about it though. Well, as good of a sport as a 6 yr old can be when denied cake and gifts. Thankfully, Cookie is feeling a bit better now and we are hoping to reschedule the party for this weekend.

On a side note: Never feed pizza to a kid with a stomach ache. Pizza puke is a very foul thing; and never hold that child over the side of the bed when they start to puke. Vomit coved bedding is bad, but puke + hardwood floors = splatters….need I say more? (Oh, and keep the closet door closed unless you want to wash all your nicely hanging clothes and all your shoes too)


Maggie said...

Eew. Too much information, Mandy.

I hope May is feeling better and Em gets her B-day party soon.