Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday Swimming

The fabulous weather continues and we have been having record high temps. We were outdoors pretty much all weekend. Here are some pictures from our trip out to the glacier Sunday evening. The kids just had to go wading and then some...


Anne said...

OMG, you live in a BEAUTIFUL place. How do you stay conscious? I'd go into a coma from the wonder of it all.

Glad for you about the job stability, bummed about the tummy bugs, and hope everyone stays healthy so you can enjoy the gorgeous weather as long as it lasts!!! XOXO

Waiting for Zufan! said...

What amazing scenery! Wow. Cute kids, too.

Anonymous said...

While the pic is WAY cute, I have to admit that I'm also super jealous. Swimming at the glaicer is one of the biggest things I miss about living back home.. Thanks for sharing these and bringing back fond memories!

You coming down to Portland again this summer?
