Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things that make you go hummmm...

Yesterday Cookie wasn't feeling well. She came home from preschool and immediately threw-up (thank God she's finally grasped the concept of doing that in the toilet!) She went right to bed and slept for about 3 hours after that and then was fine. Of course since she had such a hearty nap she had a lot of trouble falling asleep at bed time. She kept getting up and we had to keep going in her room and put her back to bed. Finally at around 10pm she fell asleep.

Right before we headed off to bed for the night Zman popped his head into the girls room to check on them. He immediately came running out and said I had to go in there and check on Cookie right this minute. With visions of puke covered sheets in my head I rushed into the room to find...

Cookie fast asleep with a pair of underwear on her head; the waist band around her forehead, the leg holes on top with tufts of curly blond hair sticking through them!! I was good and didn't run for the camera, though visions of teenage blackmail flashed through my head. I did have to pause and say a little prayer though..."Please God, let those be clean underwear!"



Maggie said...

How cute. Cute - assuming they were clean. If not, then eeewww. I hope she's feeling better!

habesha child said...

OMG I can't believe you don't have photos of that!


Tami said...

Heeeheehee!!! I have to admit I wouldn't have had such great self-control. I definitely would have gone for the camera.