Thursday, November 23, 2006


In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought I would list just a few of the things that I am thankful for. In no particular order.

The relationship that I have with my husband who is also my best friend.

Our children and the relationship I share with each of them and that they share with one another

Our home

That I am loved

My health; as well as my husband and children’s health

My husband’s job and our financially stability

The ability to add to our family through the miracle of adoption

The life that I have been given

Each of our pets

My mom and my husband’s parents

Music and that I can hear it.

Books and all the worlds that they open to me.

All the wonderful, kind and supportive cyber friends that I have gotten to know because of our blog and yahoo groups.

All the things my mom and grandparents taught me.

I am thankful for all the rough times, because they have helped to make me who I am.

That I have the amazing privilege and luxury of sitting here with a huge feast in the kitchen, thinking of all the beautiful gifts I have been given.


Anonymous said...

Truly blessed! Thanks for sharing!